800.000 Years of Photosynthesis - Organisms Democracy Gelsenkirchen

The audio parcours, which was the centrepiece of the exhibition is still available here: http://consol.organismendemokratie.org
The work is only in German. It consists of 28 audio features of the human and non human participants - featuring the voices of the human participants and can be used on site as an audio guide or just enjoyed for the portraits of the humans and non humans.

08.05.2021 - 27.06.2021: Exhibition/Audio - Parcours 800.000 Years of Photosynthesis - Organisms Democracy Gelsenkirchen at Consol Park in Gelsenkirchen, Bismarckstraße 240, 45889 Gelsenkirchen - Project by Club Real commissioned by Urbane Künste Ruhr in cooperation with Consol Theater and the Municipality of Gelsenkirchen

2020 was a year of big changes. The simple question: “How how can we live together?” suddenly provokes completely new, unstable responses. And the related issues of: “Who are We? Who belongs to this We? How do we as humans think of the other living beings with whom we share the Earth? ”appear with renewed vigor and demand fresh answers.
2020 was also the year in which a mixed group of various species decides to face the overwhelming legacy of the former Consolidation coal mine in Gelsenkirchen. It will take the plants of Consol Park 800,000 years to convert the CO2 created by the Consol mine back into oxygen and carbon.
The project "800,000 years of Photosynthesis - Organisms Democracy Gelsenkirchen" establishes an Organisms Democracy to put this responsible long-term project on as stable a basis as possible. It starts on May 8, 2021 with the founding assembly of the Organisms Parliament. All organisms have a voice! Here, the first measures to strengthen the newly founded Organisms Democracy and to achieve the state goal will be decided by vote. The measures decided by the parliament will then be implemented on 3 days of action in coordination with the current pandemic rules.

Organisms Democracy finds its artistic mediation in an audio installation in Consol Park, which is digitally accessible at any time and in which the human and non - human action group is represented in a polyphonic way. Visitors need a cell phone with location services switched on.
If the pandemic allows, there will also be UKR-supervised exhibition times when playback devices can be borrowed for audio installation exploration.

Project by Club Real commissioned by Urbane Künste Ruhr in cooperation with Consol Theater and the municipality of Gelsenkirchen

The coal party was short and exhilarating. In 160 years 221,462,500 tons of coal were extracted from the depths on the grounds of the Consolidation coal mine and blown into the atmosphere as CO2. It will take 800.000 years for the plants of Consol Park to reverse this process and turn this CO2 back into oxygen and carbon. The mixed species group will start and facilitate this process.

Together we are writing a new narrative, a narration of the many, which leads from the chaos and horror of the resource-extracting Anthropocene to other futures. Futures as diverse as the number of species shaping them together. To do this, we need a new form of politics, politics in which all species have the same political rights:
Organisms Democracy

2021 is the year we started. We had our first parliamentary session on the 8th May 2021 and our first day of the garden executive on the 7th of June.

We hope to continue with the project, after all 800.000 years have just started....

https://en.clubreal.de:443/files/gimgs/th-22_0EuglenaSpeziesderWoche Kopie 2.jpg